Motor oil is a necessary item in order for a vehicle to function properly and performs a variety of functions including making the engine start more easily, lubricating different parts, reducing friction, and many other tasks. If you are looking for more information on motor oil, one of the things that you should learn more about is API oil ratings. When you learn about engine oil, you will be able to have the know how to keep your vehicle functioning better. A well oiled car will last for many more years.
Recycling motor oil is a much more efficient use of resources as one gallon of used oil can produce 2.5 quarts, but it takes 42 gallons of crude oil to make the same amount. Making sure that you have your engine oil regularly changed is essential to your vehicle being in tiptop shape. When you understand more about API oil ratings, you will be armed with the information to know what kind of oil is the best for your vehicle. Selecting the best place for an oil change in your local area will give you the assistance needed to keep your car in great shape.
The SAE has created a numerical grading system for motor oils according to viscosity, and some grading systems have numbers such as 0, 5, 10, 15, or 25 with a letter W designating their cold start temperature viscosity. This is contrary to what many people assume the W stands for which is weight. When looking for more information about API oil ratings, you can find a variety of resources online to look through. Selecting the right website will allow you to learn more about API engine oil standards
During 2009, motor vehicles globally produced nearly 4 billion gallons of used oil. When you learn more about API oil ratings, you will be able to keep your vehicle in great shape. Finding the best motor oil for your car is the key to it lasting for many years to come.
When searching for more information on what is the best motor oil, you will have the best chance when you use online resources to do so. When you have found the best resource on motor oil, you can find out more about API oil ratings. Selecting the best website is the key to getting the information that you need to learn more on motor oil.
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