Pretty much everyone wishes they had a perfect smile. Unfortunately, most of have at least one thing we wish we could change about our smile. Some people wish their smile was whiter, while others wish they could fix a crooked tooth. Perhaps the worst problem a person can have is missing a tooth all together. Having a less than perfect smile can cause a person to feel embarrassed and lose their self confidence.
Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry can help. Cosmetic dentistry is the branch of dentistry that is concerned with improving the aesthetic appearance of person’s smile. These days, cosmetic dentists can fix just about everything you can dream of, from whitening teeth to replacing missing teeth.
Replacing missing teeth is actually a fairly simple procedure. There are many ways a cosmetic dentist may chose to do this, although the most advanced involves what are called dental implants. Dental implants are made of titanium. A dentist begins by installing the dental implant into the socket of the missing tooth. Over the next few weeks, the jaw bone heals around implant, securing it in place. Next, dentist attaches a porcelain crown on to the implant. This crown resemble a real tooth. Before you know it, no one will be able to tell you ever lost a tooth.
If you think you could benefit from cosmetic dental work, contact your local dentist. If you do not have a dentist, you can use the internet or yellow pages to find a dentist. Your friends and family can also help you find a dentist. Good luck getting the smile of your dreams. Helpful info also found here.