SEO is considered the most effective lead generation tactic by marketers, with 34 percent of them calling it ‘very effective.’ 24 percent of overall marketing spending last year was on digital and online marketing. A York University study reports that United State pharmaceutical companies spend twice as much on advertising and marketing as they do on research. Advertisements directed toward children account for $15 billion in annual costs in the United States as well. In the year 2000, United States internet advertising revenue totaled $8.1 billion and in 2001, that figure jumped to $32 billion. It is expected to reach $42 billion in 2013. These types of facts and figures are resounding evidence that it will benefit a company greatly to invest heavily in web design rochester ny.
The ability to find some very high end, professional web design Rochester NY is out there and it is in large part to full service ad agencies Rochester NY and marketing rochester ny firms. These companies offer top notch quality in everything they do, from web design Rochester NY all the way to the campaigns for advertising Rochester NY. It is important, especially today, to have a professional look and feel to create a unique image on the internet, which makes professional web design Rochester NY a smart investment for any business looking for more traffic. Find more on this topic here.