In the past, authors who wanted to publish their articles, their essays, their short stories, their poetry, and cute things to say to your girlfriend faced dozens of obstacles that they needed to surmount if they expected to see their writings in a print publication.
The first obstacle consisted of finding a magazine, a newspaper, or a journal which accepted unsolicited manuscripts from authors who were not associated with the magazine, the newspaper, or the journal. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these magazines, newspapers, and journals only accepted manuscripts which were submitted by authors who were associated with the publication or who worked for it and earned a full time salary for their efforts.
After the authors had found publishers and editors who accepted their manuscripts, the authors had to jump through another round of hoops before they could expect to see their writings published in the print publication. First, the authors had to print at least three (or more) copies of their manuscripts for the various publishers and editors who worked at these publications to read and mark up with edits; publishers and editors generally preferred more copies because they often made a lot of edits.
Second, the authors had to purchase at least two (or more) large manila envelopes in which to submit their manuscripts to the publishers and editors who would read and edit them; the first of these envelopes would be submitted directly to the publishers and editors; the second of these manila envelopes would be a self addressed and stamped return envelope which would enable the publishers and the editors to send the authors a reply regarding their decision to publish (or reject) their manuscript.
Finally, the authors had to draft a short, one page cover letter explaining to the publishers and the editors why their publication should accept a submission from the authors. Many editors and publishers have argued that these cover letters could make or break many young and aspiring authors.
Needless to say, this publication process was cumbersome at best. That explains why many authors are happy about register free blogs which allow them to bypass the publication process all together. Instead of submitting their manuscripts to publishers and editors (many of whom took more than six months to issue a reply to an author), authors can bypass the publication process all together and post their articles, essays, short stories, and poetry directly to their register free blogs. Rather than waiting six months for a reply, authors can see their works on their register free blogs mere minutes after finishing the final word of the final sentence.
Because these register free blogs have become so popular over the last ten years, many publishers and editors have lost their jobs. So many authors have decided to self publish their writings on their register free blogs that very few authors even bother to submit their works to publishers and editors anymore. To preserve their jobs, editors and publishers have argued that these register free blogs are a poor substitute for a good editor, and that these register free blogs are responsible for the rapid spread of spelling errors and other grammatical errors over the internet in the last decade.
7 responses to “Register Free Blogs Streamline the Publication Process”
These editors should not frame themselves as the guardians of the English language.
I agree with you there. They are extremely conservative in their choices and reject many formal masterpieces.
I agree with you there. They are extremely conservative in their choices and reject many formal masterpieces.
I agree with you there. They are extremely conservative in their choices and reject many formal masterpieces.
I agree with you there. They are extremely conservative in their choices and reject many formal masterpieces.
I agree with you there. They are extremely conservative in their choices and reject many formal masterpieces.
I agree with you there. They are extremely conservative in their choices and reject many formal masterpieces.