What Piping Is Right For You? – Free Encyclopedia Online

You’ll need to decide on new piping. There are a variety of options available to you. In this video, you’ll examine each choice as well as a comparison and contrast.

When it comes to plumbing copper is an ideal choice. Copper has been used in pipes since the very beginning. It is also well-suited for its intended purpose. It’s extremely long-lasting. However, it is expensive, but. Labor costs can be similarly high. The good news is that new solutions have come to market.

The second choice is CPVC pipe. It’s currently the most used kind of piping used in American houses. It is malleable and easy to cut. It is also cheaper than copper making it a more cost-efficient option. It is possible that there is a better alternative.

PEX piping originated in 1972. However, it didn’t really popularize until the 2000s. PEX pipes have roughly the same lifespan as copper but at only a tiny fraction of the cost. Because pipes are flexible it is easier to install them. They bend very easily.


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