There are 7.1 billion people on Earth, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Regardless of whether they are family, friends, or complete strangers, the fact is we will at some point have disputes with them. For parents especially, having family issues can be one of the most stressful times in life. Children grow up and start testing your limits. The stress of work, maintaining a relationship, and caring for children can push people apart. If you are experiencing any of the following family issues and problems, find someone who can help family problems heal right away.
- Teen Drug Use
- Infidelity
- Loss of a Child
According to NDA for Teens, over 35% of teenagers in grade 12 have smoked marijuana at least once. Studies show that the incidence of marijuana use among teenagers is increasing as time goes forward, jeopardizing the ability of our children to be successful in school. Prescription drugs, cigarette use, and underage drinking all remain constant problems. If you notice any signs of your teen using drugs, you should contact a specialist who can help family problems related to drugs go away.
According to Woman’s Day, 56% of men cheat on their wives due to a variety of reasons ranging from unhappiness to the need to be in control. However, what many people do not realize is that wives cheat just as often as their husbands, though, admittedly, they cheat for different reasons. If you or your spouse has engaged in an extra marital affair, that does not mean your relationship is over. According to the Denver Post, 35% of couples survive an affair, but you need to seek out help to get through it. Counselors can help family problems related to infidelity heal over time.
57,000 children under the age of 19 die in the United States every year, according to AAMFT. While many families come together to support each other after the loss of a child, many husbands and wives are driven apart out of grief, separating themselves from surviving children, family, and friends. If you need family help professionals to get beyond this terrible occurrence, then find it immediately.
Where Can You Find Help and Advice on Family Issues?
Luckily, with the power of the internet, finding professionals who can help family issues heal, is easier than ever. Using the web, the religious can find faith specific sources of advice. For instance, the Christian Broadcast Network maintains a webpage full of family advice with religion sewn into it. More secular people can find high quality digital resources like the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. If you would prefer to see someone in person and have a genuine conversation, your children’s guidance counselor can often direct you to someone for family related issues.
Whether you are trying to get your family through the rigors of drug use, the pain of infidelity, or the trauma of losing a child, seeking out someone to help family issues is the best step to take. It may take time, but, eventually, you may find the peace you are looking for.
One response to “Three Types of Family Issues That Require Help”
My husband and I went to therapy for a year after I cheated. My mistake just broke too much